A Guide for Supporting Your Aging Parents (Part 2) – How To Help Loved Ones Age In Place

Part 2: Creating a Supportive Environment

Ensuring an Accessible Living Space

When Preet’s dad started having difficulty climbing the stairs, he realized how crucial it was to modify his living environment for his safety and independence. Aging in place often necessitates adjustments to the home. This could range from minor changes, such as installing grab bars in the bathroom, to more significant modifications like installing a stairlift or a walk-in shower.

In this digital age, home automation technologies offer great solutions too. For instance, smart home devices can help your loved ones control lighting, heating, and security systems effortlessly, even from their armchair. Even a small adjustment, like a voice-activated system to remind your mom to take her medicine, can significantly enhance her independence and peace of mind.

Exploring Healthcare Options

Healthcare needs may change as our parents age. It’s vital to understand the variety of healthcare options available. Services can range from in-home care, where professionals visit to provide medical care or assistance with daily tasks, to assisted living or nursing homes that provide 24-hour supervision and care.

Each option has its benefits, and choosing the most suitable one depends on factors like your parents’ health condition, their preference for living at home or in a community setting, and the family’s financial ability. When Sara’s mom was diagnosed with a chronic condition, they decided to opt for in-home care, allowing her to stay in the familiar comfort of her home while receiving professional care.

Financial Planning for Independent Living

Finances play a significant role in supporting your aging parents’ independent living. It involves managing day-to-day expenses, planning for healthcare costs, and even considering long-term care insurance. Budgeting can be a useful tool to keep track of expenses and ensure that your parents can comfortably afford their lifestyle.

Exploring estate planning and accessing available financial resources can also provide a safety net for your loved ones.

Building a Support Network

Remember, caring for aging parents doesn’t have to be a journey you embark on alone. Involving other family members, and friends is invaluable. These networks can share the load and also provide emotional support. For instance, Sara and her siblings take turns visiting their mom, ensuring she always has company and assistance if needed.

Community-based lifestyle services like Tuktu can support in the gaps to ensure our loved ones are thriving as they age in place. Tuktu is the story of each one of us with busy lives or living far away from our aging parents. As much as we wish, we can’t always be there! But all we want is for our loved ones to be safe, happy and healthy.

Tuktu unlocks the local talent in the community to match the needs of older adults helping them to independently age in the comfort of their homes. The platform smartly matches their needs with friendly, familiar, talented and trusted people from the neighborhood. We ensure that each service is a great experience led by empathy and companionship.

Tuktu is Convenient

Effective coordination and communication within this network are crucial. Consider setting up a shared online calendar or use apps designed for caregivers. This way, everyone can stay updated on appointments, medication schedules, and daily tasks.

Stay tuned for Part 3 in this series, where we’ll explore resources and tools to further aid your parents’ journey to age in place.

We’ve also created a FREE 5-Day Email Course, The Age In Place Roadmap. This comprehensive resource is designed to guide you step-by-step in supporting your loved ones as they age.

The Age in Place Roadmap

Together, we can ensure that the golden years of our parents are spent in comfort, being connected and thriving. Remember, it’s not just about helping them live longer but helping them live better.

Until next time!